
智萌親子中心 智萌藝術(shù)幼兒園
智萌藝術(shù)中心 智萌孩童服務中心
智萌教育觀/GEM’s view of educations
[ 智萌教育觀/GEM’s view of educations ]

1、教育的目標就是創(chuàng)造一個和諧的環(huán)境,使在這個環(huán)境中的每一位孩童、教師都感到自在、愉悅,生活得幸福。教育并不僅僅追求什么外在的目標,而是更多地注重內(nèi)在的品質(zhì)。教育要發(fā)展幼兒的創(chuàng)造力。The goal of education is to create a harmonious environment which makes every child and teacher comfortable, cheerful and happy. Education is not only the pursuit of an external target, but also pays attention to intrinsic quality of life. Education is supposed to develop  children's creativity ..

2、在教學方法上,智萌教師反對傳統(tǒng)的單向灌輸,反對把語言文字作為獲取知識的捷徑,他們認為教育就是要為孩童帶來更多的可能性去創(chuàng)新和發(fā)現(xiàn),教育在于給孩童創(chuàng)設學習的情境,幫助孩童在與情境中的人、事、物相互作用的過程中主動建構(gòu)知識。On teaching methods, Gem teachers are against the traditional one-way infusion, of language as a shortcut to acquire knowledge. They think education is to bring children to the point of their own discoveries and creations. Education is supposed to create learning situations which help children actively construct knowledge in the process of interactions.

3、教育應以孩童為中心,應從孩童的興趣、需要及經(jīng)驗出發(fā)。兒童在教育過程中和課程決策上應有參與與發(fā)表意見的機會。但這并非意味著絕對孩童中心主義,除孩童以外,教師與家長在孩童教育上也扮演重要的角色,起重要的作用。Education should be centered on children's interests, needs and experience. Children should have the opportunity of participation and comment in the process of education and curriculum. But this does not mean absolute centralism of children, in addition to children, teachers and parents also play an important role their education. 

“與其牽著孩童的手,倒不如讓他們靠自己的雙腳站立?!痹诤⑼奶剿鬟^程中,教師應掌握正確的時機,適當?shù)亟槿?,協(xié)助孩童發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,幫助孩童提出問題。Gem thinks between "teaching" and "learning", we should respect the latter more ."Instead of holding a child's hand, it is better to let them stand on their own two feet." In the process of children’s exploration, teachers should grasp the right opportunity and proper intervention to help children discover problems and  ask questions. 

地址:德陽市天山路與洛河路交匯處東南角 電話:0838-6611678 備案號:蜀ICP備19008113號-1
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